Changing perceptions: how to create an inspiring office space

One of the best ways to engage a workforce and increase productivity is to give employees a space that promotes wellbeing and pride. Becky Turner, Workplace Psychologist at Claremont Group Interiors, examines how organisations can enhance office space to inspire workers.

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over 1 year ago

​The office space is often at the heart of business culture, as it creates collaboration for meetings and group work, enhances relationships across the business and helps with in-house training and development opportunities. 

However, increasing numbers of professionals across the world are finding office workplaces uninspiring and uninviting, with the after-effects of the pandemic causing a shift in work attitudes.  

According to a report by the International Workplace Group (IWG), for 70% of the people they've surveyed, a choice of work environment is a key factor when evaluating new career opportunities.

So, what can businesses do to improve the office space? 

Becky Turner, Workplace Psychologist at the British interior design firm Claremont Group Interiors, explains more in our interview: 

Q. What can businesses on a budget do to update their office space to suit the modern workforce?

A. On a budget, it's all about prioritising maximum impact. You’ll probably want to consider phasing some work and so potentially, if your maximum impact is to create a lot more spaces for your colleagues to connect and collaborate with each other, then you might bring in some open collaboration areas, some booths that you can have semi-private conversations in.

But don't lose sight of the bigger picture. Consider a wider programme of works that you might want to do over five years. Maybe create a five-year plan of your real estate and then you can phase it into certain pockets of activity. So, like I say, you're spreading that budget over those five years.

So, design for maximum impact first. Make sure you're communicating with your colleagues about the plan, if you can be as open as possible. Really take them on that journey with you, because then, all these little bits of disruption over the period that you're going to be doing some work, they'll be on board with because they understand the impact that it's going to have on them in the future.

Q. What sort of approach should business leaders take when designing their office space?

A.It's all about engagement. So, engagement with your colleagues at all levels. What do they need?

In this hybrid way of working, which a lot of organisations are taking on board, what's going to be that thing that makes people decide, when they wake up in the morning or they're planning out their diary, ‘am I going to come into the office that day or am I going to work from home?' What's going to make them want to come into the office?

To do that it's not a case of just thinking ‘I know my people, I know what they'll say’, because they might surprise you. It's all about understanding their needs and requirements because they're the ones who're going to be utilising the space, not making assumptions.

Q. How can organisations prioritise energy efficiency for next-generation workplaces?

A.This is a really interesting topic. It's hot on the cards for every organisation: you’ve got standards to meet, there's new and innovative ways to try and meet those standards, and really there's a couple of options here.

It was staggering when we did some independent research and, bearing in mind it was in January so we were going through this cost-of-living crisis and things were a little bit uncertain, we found that 28% of people were coming into the office for the energy and for the heating, which is just absolutely staggering. It's so important; if people are going to come in for the energy, for example, then we need to make sure it's efficient within the workplace as well.

It's largely about designing in some really smart ways to support your energy usage. You might try and look at your mechanical and electrical first and unfortunately, that's usually the biggest chunk from your budget. It’s going into things that are above the ceiling and below the floor that you can't even see, but it's going to make a huge difference to the bill at the end of every month, but also the comfort levels of your colleagues.

Q. How much does an office space impact an employee’s satisfaction and overall productivity level?

A.Employee satisfaction and productivity go hand in hand, they're highly correlated. It’s massive the impact your workplace can have on numerous levels.

Purely functionally, as long as you can come into your space and you can work in the way that you work best, that's going to massively maximise your productivity. If you're an extrovert and you might be doing a bit of admin work, sitting in an area where actually you can get some stimulation, that's going to be important to you and maintain your focus, which for some might seem a little bit backwards, but that's what the research shows.

And then equally, if you've got somebody coming in to do that same role, who might be an introvert or who might be hypersensitive, a little pod, such as the one that I'm in now, is nice and small. You can come, you can plug in, you can control the lighting and the temperature, and it's nice and quiet so you could get your head down and work.

So really providing lots of different spaces where people can feel comfortable getting their work done and work to the best of their ability, that's going to massively improve their satisfaction levels and equally productivity.

Q. How important is personalisation when revamping an office space?

A.It's a really big deal, actually. Historically, if you think about offices and how they were portrayed in movies from the nineties and the early noughties, especially in America, people are in cubicles, and they've all got pictures of their dogs, their family, their kids. People have always enjoyed personalising their spaces; it's their safe space.

So this is a big challenge when you're then opening areas up, and having a slightly more open plan office, particularly now in hybrid working, where not every everyone might have a designated desk. That's where maybe there's this idea that ‘oh no, I'm not going to be able to control my space anymore. I'm not going to be able to personalise it. It's not going to feel like mine.’

It's a change in mindset, about thinking ‘ok, this isn't my space only, it's not my den, it's our space that we all share together and collectively, so how could we all get involved in the design process?’ And this takes me back to one of those first points about engaging with your colleagues. What do you want? What do you need? What's going to make it comfortable for you?

That's the sort of bigger picture of personalising on a grand scale. Everybody's getting a bit of insight and an opportunity to put their thoughts forward within the design. So in a sense it's being created as a collaborative process.

But then alongside that, you can create hackable spaces. These are areas where actually the function might be multifunctional; it's going to really maximise the space that you've got, particularly if you've not too much space. It could be a meeting room that's got walls that could fold back, it could have panels that you can move around. There's a lot of furniture that's on wheels nowadays, so you can move it, you can create the kind of experience that you need. So, on a day-to-day, you can equally personalise it to get exactly what you need from the space.

I'd say an important thing here is that it's great to give somebody a little space that they do own. That might just be a nice sized locker so that people can put their valuable things they might have, especially if they've cycled in, they've got somewhere that they can lock everything up, that's just a little place that somebody owns.

Q. Socialisation is a key part of office life. How can businesses utilise its space to help enhance socialisation and collaboration with colleagues?

A.We’ve almost got two points here where socialisation and connection with your team is so important. We saw over the enforced lockdown period when people were feeling a lot more isolated, mental health went down in general because of this isolation and also the fact that people were unsure of what was going to happen and had lack of control.

The amount of insight you can get from non-verbal communication – by body language for example – is huge. By connecting over teams, you don't quite get that full experience. We've evolved as social creatures to be in front of each other, so I don't think that there's anything that could quite replicate that.

So, what we've been doing quite regularly is creating essentially a social heart to office spaces. Say you’ve got a three-storey office, rather than putting a big social space or a nice kitchen on each floor, you put a few tea points where you can go and get your water, make sure you stay hydrated and maybe a quick brew on each floor, but maybe on the middle one, you'd have a big social space. So that would have your really good coffee machine, as anyone that likes a good coffee will go up to that space and connect with other people that they might not do on a day-to-day basis.

It's the space that you would go to for lunch, and it's the space that you would then go to for events in the evening if you had any social events or ‘lunch & learns’, if that's what your organisation does. Just really social things to get everybody together in one place rather than disperse across the three floors because that's the sure-fire way to create silos if you don't have a central space.

So that's your heart. And that's where everyone's going to come together.

Then you've got the collaboration side as well, and that could be informal. You could use this big social space and that could also be a big collaboration space. It could be an innovation area because it looks and feels a bit different. So you just have to move the furniture around a little bit, creating some tiered seating areas so you could hold big town hall meetings, for example, or present something or get an external organisation to come in and present to you. That way you're really showing that you value your colleagues, you're supporting them through their development, but it's all about providing the platform with your space to enable that.

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Three tips for finding a job you’ll love
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Three tips for finding a job you’ll love

Take a moment to picture your ideal career…Is it the job you’re in now or were you just daydreaming about greener pastures in another role or company? If it’s the latter, don’t worry. We’ve all been there. 

Maybe you’re worried that you don’t have the right skills or experience to get the job you really want, or maybe you’re not even sure about what you want to be doing but you know it’s not this. 

Whatever the reason, we’re here to help. Here are just three tips from the Life's Work course hosted by Reed's Chairman and CEO, James Reed, which could help you find a job you’ll love (and Love Mondays). 

Know what you want (what you really, really want)

It may seem obvious, but having a solid idea of what you want out of your career is the first step to getting there. 

It starts with understanding what your values, goals and strengths, and then using that knowledge to reflect on what careers you’ll really find fulfilling. What are your key skills and weaknesses? What tasks do you excel at (or dread doing)? And where do you really see yourself in the future?

Armed with these answers, you’ll feel more confident that your next career move is the right, because it matches not just what you want out of your job, but out of your life too.

Do your research

One of the most challenging parts of changing jobs or careers is making sure you land in a sector that isn’t in decline. That means digging into current in-demand and stable sectors, such as AI or education, to see where your skills might fit.

It’s also a good idea to look into the companies you’re interested in to see if your values align and if they’re financially stable. You won’t want to jump ship only to find yourself in a company you don’t like – or worse, that could lead to your job being at risk a few months down the line. 

Get networking

Or, as James Reed CBE puts it in his book, Life’s Work,– go to parties. 

The truth is the word ‘networking’ has become synonymous with things like sweaty palms at awkward social events and DMs from strangers on LinkedIn. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

When you strip it down to its essentials, networking is really about connecting with people who can help you (and vice versa). It could mean going for coffee with a friend to pick their brains about a sector you’re interested in it could mean attending an event and just getting to know people, and yes, it could mean messaging semi-strangers on LinkedIn – which can actually be really effective if approached in the right way and remember to personalize your message. 

While this list is by no means exhaustive, it’s a great starting point for exploring what you want to do next. 

Are you looking to take the next step in your career? Search and apply for jobs in Switzerland now.

Who to promote: a guide for employers and managers
4 mins read

Who to promote: a guide for employers and managers

​How does your business decide who to promote? Is career progression embedded within the workplace culture or is it done in line with employee tenure?

The process of promotion should consider merit, potential, and alignment with organizational values. Meritocracy should be the cornerstone of any promotion strategy, rooted in a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's performance, skills, and contributions to the business. Tangible achievements such as key performance indicators, project outcomes, and leadership abilities, should guide this assessment.

However, merit alone does not paint the full picture. It’s important to identify individuals with the capacity to grow, adapt, and innovate and those who demonstrate a hunger for learning, a willingness to take on new challenges, and a track record of exceeding expectations. Investing in the development of high-potential individuals is key to futureproofing your business.

Promote those who show enthusiasm and excellence

Promoting individuals who embody the core values and culture of your business reinforces a sense of purpose and belonging among employees. Beyond technical skills and performance metrics, assess candidates' alignment with your company's mission, vision, and ethics. It’s usually easy to spot those who both excel in their roles and show enthusiasm for the ethos of the business – these professionals are more likely to drive positive change and inspire their colleagues.

There have been many conversations about extroverts and introverts in the workplace and the traits typical of both – some of which can sway employers to promote one group over another. Personality testing at the hiring stage or as part of professional development, can help identify individuals with the potential to go further within the business, but they can also lead to bias, so should be balanced with traditional interviews and employee performance.

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) should also be central considerations when promoting. Ensure opportunities are accessible to individuals from all backgrounds, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, or socio-economic status. Actively seek out diverse talent, create inclusive promotion criteria, and address systemic barriers that may impede the advancement of underrepresented groups.

Jobseekers actively look for employers that can evidence their commitment to D&I, so it pays to promote this on all channels, including in your job adverts. Lip service is not enough – professionals will not stay long in an environment they perceive as old-fashioned and out of touch. Embracing diversity strengthens your talent pool and builds on your reputation as a progressive and inclusive employer.

Employees should have a clear understanding of the criteria, process, and timeline for promotion. Provide regular feedback on their performance and development areas, empowering them to actively pursue growth opportunities. Also, establish mechanisms for staff to raise concerns or grievances related to the promotion process.

Deciding who to promote

Look for those who demonstrate both competence and potential for leadership and growth. Here are some key attributes to consider:

Job performance

Consistent achievement of goals and targets - high-quality work output, ability to meet deadlines, and manage workload effectively.

Leadership skills

Demonstrated ability to motivate and inspire others - effective communication skills, both verbal and written, capacity to delegate tasks and empower team members.

Problem-solving abilities

Aptitude for critical thinking and analytical reasoning - proven track record of resolving complex issues, willingness to take initiative and propose innovative solutions.


Ability to thrive in changing environments - flexibility to adjust strategies and tactics as needed, openness to feedback and willingness to learn new skills.

Emotional intelligence

Empathy towards colleagues and clients - skill in managing interpersonal relationships, self-awareness, and ability to regulate emotions.

Strategic thinking

Understanding of the broader organizational goals and objectives - the capacity to develop long-term plans and strategies, skill in prioritizing tasks, and allocating resources effectively.

Team collaboration

Track record of working well within a team - ability to foster a positive and inclusive work environment, willingness to support colleagues and share knowledge.

Continuous learning

Commitment to personal and professional development - eagerness to seek out new challenges and opportunities for growth, willingness to invest time and effort in acquiring new skills.

Ethical conduct

Integrity in decision-making and actions - respect for company values and ethical standards, accountability for own behavior and its impact on others.

Industry knowledge

Understanding of the sector in which the business operates - awareness of industry trends and developments, ability to apply industry knowledge to drive business success.

Final thoughts

Promotion creates opportunities for leaders to strengthen their business and should therefore be seen as an investment. No one should ever feel pressured to take on the greater responsibility that comes with promotion, but providing avenues for those who want the challenge is a win-win situation.

If you are looking for new talent for your teams, or considering your next career move, get in touch with one of our specialist consultants today.

Download our editable performance review template
4 mins read

Download our editable performance review template

The annual appraisal is considered a dying practice – but it just needs to be revived in the right way, and more importantly, undertaken more frequently, to benefit the parties involved.

With positive feedback, little and often is the best way to keep employees motivated and inspired. These reviews should be a meeting that employees look forward to because they will either receive praise or constructive feedback that will help them in their careers.

An employer who nurtures the progression of their team and shows they care about them is more likely to retain their employees than those who seem apathetic.

What is a performance review?

A performance review is an assessment of an employee’s performance in the workplace over a certain period. It is typically used to provide feedback on the professional’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. It may also include a discussion of the employee’s career objectives and provide guidance on how best to achieve them.

Is there a difference between a performance review and appraisal?

Performance reviews and appraisals refer to the same type of one-to-one meetings about employee performance and progression. The only difference lies in how they are used: ‘performance review’ connotes an informal meeting between a manager and their employee which focuses on feedback, career progression, goals, salaries and more. Appraisals, on the other hand, often refer to more formal reviews, in which the two parties might, for example, discuss salary.

While other performance review templates will have a firm structure, our template can be used periodically, as needed for any type of one-to-one or group discussion regarding goals and areas for development and tailored to the employee. It is fully editable and customisable.

What should be included within a performance review?

Performance reviews can cover any area of concern employees wish to discuss that might help them improve their work, productivity, skills, or prospects. This might include their progression, goals, salary, benefits, upskilling opportunities, wellbeing and more. The content, context and frequency of the review should be a mutual decision, but the focus should be on the needs of the employee.

Usually, there should be some structure to the meeting in order for both parties to benefit. Our performance review template can be used to cover specific areas for the employee’s development and build a progression plan.

What questions should a manager ask as part of a performance review?

Performance review questions should prompt the employee to speak openly and honestly about their performance and any concerns they have.

Here are some performance review question examples:

  • What do you hope to achieve by the next review?

  • What do you feel you have done well / how do you feel you’ve developed since the last review?

  • What do you feel you could have done better and why?

  • Do you have any additional feedback or suggestions for me?

  • What are the different types of performance review?

Performance reviews come in various forms

From self-assessments and one-to-ones to wider evaluations by multiple colleagues. Here are the main examples:

  • Traditional performance reviews involve a manager assessing the performance of their employee, but feedback can go both ways. When an employee evaluates the performance of their manager, it is known as upwards feedback.

  • Self-assessment reviews are undertaken by the individual employee and give them a chance to reflect on their performance from a different perspective, perhaps more objectively.

  • Peer reviews enable colleagues to share their perspective of another’s contribution to the team.

  • 360-degree reviews involve more than one assessor, resulting in multiple points of view in one review.

Employee performance reviews can happen as frequently as they need to for the best outcomes: perhaps monthly, annually, or quarterly. Individuals may be suited to a mix of the above reviews, according to the level of support needed.

Each type of performance review mentioned above can be facilitated by our appraisal template.

The benefits of conducting performance reviews

Regardless of how frequently they’re performed or who is reviewing whom, regular performance reviews offer many benefits. If done well, there are no downsides.

The overall benefits are:

  • Ensuring employees understand their role and your expectations of them

  • Determining to what extent employees are meeting those expectations

  • Providing support and having an honest discussion

  • Acknowledging and rewarding good performance

  • Nurturing your employees’ career progression

  • Increasing engagement and longevity

Making time regularly to discuss anything and everything is crucial for transparency and building trust between a manager and their employee.

Examples of effective performance reviews

The most effective performance reviews are those where the person comes away with SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound) goals to help them improve in some way before the next review.

In any employee review form, there must be structure, but there should also be flexibility to adapt it to the needs of different employees.

The fundamentals of a performance review are:

  • Setting SMART goals

  • Honest and constructive feedback

  • A safe space for two-way communication and trust

  • Appropriate praise and recognition

Our template provides space to outline key areas of success, development, and focus, to give feedback on skills, and create an agreed action plan with objectives to meet before the next review – whether that’s monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Every team is different – that’s why our performance review template is adaptable to your own requirements.

Whether you’ve completed many performance reviews in the past, or have yet to conduct one, our template can help you provide the best experience for your employees.

Get started with our free template today – download it now.